Many folks may think dogs that end up in rescue are in some way inferior however most are dogs that were simply the wrong choice for a family. The Bracco is not for everyone, and despite their appeal, the demands of owning this active, intelligent hunting dog can be daunting to a first time owner.
The Bracco Italiano Club of America (BICA) has a myriad of people who love the Bracco Italiano dog. Rescue provides support, coordination, and financial assistance to a national network of volunteers. We, as a club, form a chain of support and common interest dedicated to the preservation of the breed we hold so close to our hearts. We continually search for Bracco that are abandoned or in need of a new forever home.
Here you will find forms if you are in need of help surrendering your dog so that the club may assist in finding a perfect home or the application to be considered for adopting a forever companion. Please complete the form and forward it to our Rescue Coordinator,
Deanna Cuchiaro email:
If you need help in placing a current dog you can reach out to Deanna or a member of the Board of Directors.